Mixin BelongsTo

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One-to-one association

In the API reference below, replace Assocation with the actual name of your association, e.g. for User.belongsTo(Project) the getter will be user.getProject().

getAssociation([options]) -> Promise.<Instance>

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Get the associated instance.


Name Type Description
[options] Object
[options.scope] String | Boolean Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false.
[options.schema] String Apply a schema on the related model

setAssociation([newAssociation], [options]) -> Promise

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Set the associated model.


Name Type Description
[newAssociation] Instance | String | Number An instance or the primary key of an instance to associate with this. Pass null or undefined to remove the association.
[options] Object Options passed to this.save
[options.save=true] Boolean Skip saving this after setting the foreign key if false.

createAssociation([values], [options]) -> Promise

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Create a new instance of the associated model and associate it with this.


Name Type Description
[values] Object
[options] Object Options passed to target.create and setAssociation.

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